
Proudly written par le docteur Gilles Korb for our partner partenaire Anti-âge Magazine

The chin balances the face and, thanks to its shape and projection, contributes to the face’s equilibrium and harmony.

The chin is formed by the anterior curve of the jaw covered with the powerful mentalis (chin muscle). From head on, the face is divided into three, ideally equal, parts. The chin occupies the lower third and, thanks to its shape, volume and height, balances out the whole face. It also helps to close the mouth when in rest.

Looking from the side, the top of the chin and the edge of the lips are aligned. This is an im- portant aspect of a person’s expression. If the chin is too far forward (prognathism) or too far back (retrognathism), it gives the face an unevolved, even unintelligent appearance. However, a slight overbite is acceptable in women, as is a slightly protruding chin in men.

Profiloplasty analyses the relationship between chin projection and nose shape in order to determine a potential common treatment method.

An active role in facial expressions

By contracting the mentalis, we are able to express doubt, defiance and pride. However, if this muscle is constantly, involuntarily contrac- ted then an inelegant pout is created, giving the skin an “orange-peel” appearance. In order to alter the shape of the chin, surgical tech- niques are still predominant. However, aesthetic medicine procedures enable us to improve the chin’s appearance in a straightforward and minimally-invasive way. A thorough morphological and x-ray analysis enables us to choose precisely which procedure will best suit the particular case

My medical techniques

An “orange peel” chin with a pronounced chin groove can be correc- ted using botulinum toxin injections. The muscle is relaxed, which smoothes the skin and softens the line under the lower lip. We per- form between 2 and 5 deep injections on either side of the median line. The after-effects are minor and the results last around 6 months, a bit less in smokers.

The volumes of a too-small or weak chin can be increased by injec- ting volumising hyaluronic acid. This technique is useful for treating slight deformations; more marked deformations can only be resolved through surgery. The injections are made in the centre of the chin and must be carried out gradually and deeply in order to lift the muscle. We thus achieve a harmonious shape without overcorrecting, so as to avoid an unnatural bulging appearance.

The after-effects are mi- nor and patients rarely suffer from bruising. The product used lasts around 2 years.

Surgical procedures

Mentoplasty, or genioplasty, enables us to correct any anomalies in the position and/or shape of the chin (this excludes surgery on the jaw, which is only for extreme cases). It is carried out either on its own or alongside nasal surgery (rhinoplasty) or a face lift, to rebalance the face. It is carried out for both cosmetic and functional reasons, to bring the two lips together.

A face lift improves the facial contours thanks to its tensing effect on the median section of the neck. The operation is carried out through the mouth and leaves no visible scars.

A weak chin can be corrected in one of two ways:

  • By removing a small piece of bone from the edge of the jaw. Thispiece of bone is then lifted and fixed (screw, metal plate).
  • By fitting an implant: synthetic material, coral or bone grafts taken from the patient.

We can also simply mould the bony edge of the chin, but the result is not as noticeable so it should only be used for very slight prognathism. A supportive bandage is to be worn for several days following surgery, and feeling can temporarily be lost in the lower lip.

Conversely, to correct a too-prominent chin, we reduce its height by removing a horizontal strip of bone.

What about double chins?

Double chins are caused by excess fatty tissue under the chin.

In younger patients, the skin is simply stretched. Liposuction carried out under local anaesthetic is usually sufficient and the after-effects are generally minor. In older patients, we must also lift the neck in order to tighten up the skin.
Radio waves might be an interesting alternative for tightening up the skin on the neck without surgery. The effects are noticeable after a few months and can last for several years.

More info on Dr Gilles Korb


Dr Gilles Korb has lived in Nantes for the last 25 years. He has a double qualification: ENT and cervicofacial surgery and maxillofacial surgery. Surgeon of the face and neck, member of the French Society of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery of the Face and Neck, member of the French Association of Morpho-Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine. Expert for the courts and insurance companies. Author of several publications about medicine and cosmetic surgery. Takes part in numerous international congresses and leads symposiums and work groups on medicine and cosmetic surgery.